21 Days Of Prayer And Fasting For Future Of The Body Of Christ And Our Nation

The focus of this season of prayer is the future of the Body of Christ and that of the nation. Daniel was well advanced in age by the time he took this fast in the third year of Cyrus. He was in the sunset of his life; somewhere in the mid-80s. He had served God faithfully through many decades and was told at the end of the long message he received (Daniel 10-12) that he would die and receive his inheritance at the time of the end.

Though he was soon to die, Daniel had a burden for the coming generations of his people. He is an example of a believer who did not live just to see his own needs met and problems solved. He had a burden to see the people of God fulfill purpose and destiny and to see the purposes of God fulfilled not only for his generation but for future generations as well. No wonder then that even after his death, God continued to answer the prayers he had prayed earlier in Daniel 9 for the return of the Jews from exile. Those prayers opened doors for Ezra and Nehemiah long after Daniel was dead.

In these 21 days we too are focusing on the future of the people of God in this land and the future of our nation. To do this, we will use the images that God has given us of the Church and pray that their fulfillment will be hastened in our nation.

The recommended fasting mode is a partial fast just as Daniel did: a fast on just fruits and vegetables. We however encourage even those who decide not to take the recommended fast to take off some fasting days in the season to pray for the future of the Body of Christ and the nation.

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