About Us

Intercessor for Uganda is an interdenominational network of members of the Body of Christ in the nation of Uganda. The ministry is affiliated to Intercessors for Africa and it was begun in the Idi Amin era out of desperation to see God’s intervention in the affairs of the nation.

The vision of Intercessors for Uganda is to see the Kingdom of God established in the nation: its land, peoples and its institutions.

Our mission is to mobilize prayer and intercession for the nation and its leaders, train and develop believers for effective and strategic intercession and spiritual warfare, equip believers to express the Kingdom of God in the market place, raise servant leaders for public life and to serve as a prophetic voice to the nation.

Core Values

  • We are a Christian, non-denominational and non-partisan ministry
  • We affirm the finality of the bible concerning matters of doctrine and practice
  • (2 Timothy 3:16, Mark 13:31)
  • We affirm the centrality of prayer in establishing the Kingdom of God in the earth
  • (Psalm 2:8, Matthew 6:10, Psalm 72:15)
  • We are an organization based on a volunteer heart (Psalm 110:3)
  • We are a charitable organization; the income and property of the ministry wherever derived are to be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives of the ministry.


    1. Good work indeed..

      Thanks foe keeping the spirit of prayer alive in Uganda. We really need it..
      Form.Mindset Media Agency let’s hope that we will have an opportunity to collaborate and work together…

  1. Greetings. I greet you all in the name of Jesus of Our and Saviour. Peace be upon you and your household. May the Lord make His face shine upon you.

    My request is do you have a daily guide / prayer points for the nation. I can pray from my house. Thank you.

    Emma Kamala

  2. Hi

    I am looking for pastor Florence. I met her in South Africa in the early 2000s. I need to reconnect with her.

  3. I don’t know why God has been placing Uganda in my heart, I kept asking God, why Uganda?

    He as not said anything yet, maybe when I move, He will talk.

    But, nice seeing such group is in Uganda .

    All things been equal by God’s will and Grace , I shall be in the conference.

    Benjamin OLATUNJI.

    Courageous Youths Initiative.

    USA and Sierra Leone and Nigeria branch.

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