Practice the Giving of First Fruits in This Season of Firstborns

Understanding and knowing what to do in 2014 – Dr. Steve Ogan

The principle of the firstfruits is a scriptural injunction which indicates that GOD is the sovereign owner of all things. It is a justification of why he must take pre-eminence in our lives. He must come first as Mathew 6:33 commands. “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Just as any anyone that opens the matrix belongs to God and must be dedicated to him, so also the first portions of any product you harvest must be given to God. There can be no better year to re-emphasise the principle and power behind the injunction to give firstfruits than in the year dedicated to the consecration of firstborns. Christ is the firstfruit from the dead who was crucified on the 14th day of Nisan, just as firstborns are consecrated on the same day. “But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead… But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at his coming” (1 Corinthians 15:20-21, 23)


  • Appreciation for Divine Deliverance from Bondage
  • Recognition of Sovereign Ownership of all Things
  • Obedience to the Injunction, Don’t Appear Before the Lord Empty – Handed
  • Demonstration of the Law of Redemption for Firstborns
  • Representation of God’s Glory in the Firstlings of His Bullock
  • Demonstration of Respect for God
  • Pointer to the Significance of the Concept of Firstborn
  • Provision of Sustenance for the Priesthood
  • Provision for the Purpose of Corporate Communion
  • Illustration of Kingdom Primacy Above Individual Need
  • Manifestation of the Law of Sanctification
  • Protection of the Harvest from Spiritual Contamination
  • Divine Insurance Against Satanic Locusts
  • Remember that God is the Giver of Power to Make Wealth
  • Appreciation for Divine Deliverance from Bondage

The multi-dimensional purpose of the firstfruits demonstrates it’s indispensability for a proper appropriation of the glory of a new beginning. As a symbol of the recognition of God’s sovereign ownership of all things, it helps us to acknowledge that heaven is ultimately the source of our increase. As a token of obedience to the injunction that no one should appear before the Lord empty handed, it positions those who practice it to also never leave God’s presence without a blessing.

The firstfruit is indeed a divine insurance for the rest of the harvest. Those who eat their firstfruits invite a locust invasion into their present and future harvests.


To practice the principle of firstfruits:

  1. Enter into a formal covenant with the Lord to practice the principle of firstfruits.
  2. Take a portion of the firstfruit that comes into your hands in January and through out the year and give it to the Lord.
  3. Give a portion of every increment in your salary or business profit to the Lord.
  4. Begin the practice of giving the Lord a portion of the first money you receive every week or month.
  5. Listen to the Lord to know when he wants you to give a sacrificial firstfruit which could involve giving all or more than you will normally retain for you self.
  6. Apply the principle of firstfruits to your use of time. Dedicate the first hour of every new day or first day of the week to worshipping the Lord.
  7. Consecrate every firstborn in your family to the Lord, and let them know that they belong to the Lord.
  8. Sanctify the firstfruit of your intellectual and creative endeavour to the Lord, and give a portion of even all the proceeds from it to the Lord if He leads you in this direction. The very first book I wrote on a nation, Malaysia: The Rainbow Nation of Asia, is wholly consecrated as a firstfruit. It is not be sold but given free. It was a Jubilee seed given to the people of Malaysia and all lovers of the country when the nation turned 50 years in 2007.

The practice of giving God the firstfruit is one of the most fundamental principles of every season of fruitfulness and exceeding multiplications. It recognizes the sovereignty of God as the owner of all things. It positions the giver of the firstfruit to experience a continuous stream of uninterrupted harvest. It demonstrates the primacy of God and why He should come first with the firstfruit.


  • Lengthening your days and experiencing peace.
  • Meeting the conditions for mercy and truth to surround you.
  • Creating an atmosphere for favour from God and man.
  • Demonstrating trust in the Lord and refusing to lean on your own understanding.
  • Acknowledging the Lord in all your ways so He can direct your path.
  • Proving that you are not wise in your own eyes.
  • Demonstrating honour to the Lord.
  • Acknowledging that He is the source of all your increase.
  • Making room for your barns to be filled with plenty and your presses to burst with new wine.

Obeying the commandment of giving firstfruits is an honour to the Lord. Honour is different from respect. According to Dr. Mike Murdock, “respect is an attitude of the heart, but honour goes with a gift.” You can’t honour God without giving Him a gift. But unlike any other gift you give to God, a portion of a firstfruit must first be separated and given to Him before you partake of any portion of the lump from which the firstfruit is given. The principle behind giving God first is that the part you separated for Him sanctifies and makes holy the whole lump left for yourself. Consequently, not to give to God the firstfruit dishonours Him and jeopardizes whatever you keep for your use.

“Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones. Honour the Lord with your possessions, And with the firstfruits of all your increase; So your barns will be filled with plenty, And your vats will overflow with new wine.” (Proverbs 3:7-10).

NB The full book is available at
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