A Call to Prayer and Fasting for the Judiciary: 17th – 19th June 2013

The Lord has put it in our heart to specially focus prayer for the Judiciary and matters to do with justice in our land.  The Scriptures teach us that righteousness and justice are the foundation of God’s throne (Psalm 97:2, Psalm 89:14) and therefore of His Kingdom reign.  Justice and righteousness are recurrent themes in the scriptures.  God takes keen interest about the question of righteousness and justice in any society. These two attributes are among the parameters that the He uses in judging and assessing societies and nations especially in how they are administered to the poor and defenseless. The Old Testament prophets constantly confronted matters of injustice in their societies. A hallmark of the messianic reign will be universal justice (Psalm 72:1-4).

As His representatives on the earth, God expects those in authority to manifest the same attributes in the exercise of their authority as He Himself does. As representatives of the Kingdom, the work we do, the businesses we run, and the service we perform at whatever level, ought to bear the hallmark of righteousness and justice. We must be conduits and vessels of righteousness and justice. As we pray for the Judiciary, let us examine our own lives to see if there are areas where were are practicing injustice and make amends accordingly.

As we approach a time when changes are taking place in the constitution of the different courts in our land, let us take time and invite God’s help in this process.

DR. James Magara

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